Serra del Montgo


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Spanish Translation

The following table of Spanish words in Castellano and Valenciano will be seen frequently when travelling in the Alicante and Valencia regions of Spain.

Throughout the Valencian Community you will find a mixture of town names and signs in Castellano or Valenciano. Towns and villages in the Valencia province normally speak and use signs in Valenciano.

When hiking, scrambling or climbing in the mountains it would be wise to familiarize yourself with words such as Abejas, Bancal, Caza, Camino, Cerrado, Coto, Fuego, Jabalí, lluvia, Peligro, Perro and the Valenciano equivalents listed in the tables below.


Castellano Valenciano English
Abejas Abellas Bees
Águila Águila Eagle
Autopista Autopista Toll Motorway
Autovia Autovia Dual Carriage
Bancal Banc Terrace
Bandoleros Bandit Bandit
Barranco Barranc Gully/Ravine
Bosque Bosc Forest/Wood
Caballo Cavall Horse/Knight
Cabo Cap Cape
Cala Cala Cove
Calle Carrer Street
Camino Cami Track Pathway
Campo Camp Field
Cantera Pedrera Quarry
Carretera Carretera Road
Castillo Castell Castle
Caza Caca Hunting
Cerrado Tancat Closed
Cima Cima Summit
Collado Col Col
Coto Vedat Reserve
Cueva Cova Cave
Embalse Embassament Reservoir
Escalera Escala Stairway
Faro Far Lighthouse
Finca Finca Country House
Frio Fred Cold
Fuego Foc Fire
Fuenta Font Spring
Helada Gelada Frost
Hoya Forat Hole
Infierno Infern Hell
Castellano Valenciano English
Jabalí Javalì Wild Boar
Llano Plana Plain
Lobo Llop Wolf
LLuvia Pluja Rain
Mediodía Migdia Midday
Mirador Mirador View Point
Mojón Mollò Landmark
Molino de viento Moli d’vent Windmill
Montaña Muntanya Mountain
Montañero Alpinista Mountaineer
Nevera Nevera Ice Pit
Nieve Neu Snow
Paso Pas Pass
Peaje Peatge Toll
Peligro Perill Danger
Peñon Penyal Rock
Pico Pic Peak
Piscina Piscina Swimming Pool
Playa Platja Beach
Portillo Portell Gap
Pozo Pou Well
Pueblo Poble Village
Puente Pont Bridge
Puerto deportivo Port esportiu Marina
Rio Riu River
Salida Eixida Exit
Senda Senda Path track
Serpiente Serp Snake
Seto Bardissa Fence
Sierra Serra Mountain Range
Tiempo Oratge Weather
Valle Vall Valley
Verde Verd Green
Viento Vent Wind



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